Tuesday, January 03, 2006


We are Project, Projects Management and Engineering Consultants at Chennai, India, since August 1993. We are also Management, Fire Prevention, Fire Safety, Safety Management and Environmental Control Management Consultants. We also do process design engineering works for Oil, Gas, hydrocarbon, Petrochemical and Chemical plants. We can also provide Industrial construction help for companies in India or abroad. We also undertake student projects in Chemical Engineering for students pursuing engineering studies, upon request.
We were consultants for the Esesson Power India Ltd, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India for their oncoming 220MW Natural Gas fired Power Project, for about 8 years. We are also doing preparatory works for their oncoming Solar Power Project at Hyderabad India. We have been Consultants for the Tamilnadu Industrial Investment Corporation, Chennai, India for about 10 years. We were associate consultants for Unique Technologies Faridabad for about 10 years,doing EOU projects.Since July 2012, I have taken up the post of Affiliate Director-Marketing for Info Drive India, N.Delhi. Here we deal with Importer/Exporter directories and related matters.
We are Agents for import of Scraps of Metals, ferrous, non-ferrous, and Scraps of textiles from USA/ other developed countries to customers in India/other countries. We also provide import support for supply of chemicals worldwide. We had introduced the air pollution equipment to Industries in Manali and Ambattur industrial area for Drycon systems, Chennai.
We also do Technology transfer for oil,gas,petrochemical, chemical (Inorganic or Organic Chemicals) from USA/developed countries.
We also act as an Agents for import of industrial machinery and chemicals etc., from other countries for clients at India. We had travelled a few times to the Gulf countries/South east Asian countries for business development.
Hence have good business contacts with companies at USA, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Malaysia, etc. for supply of Scraps of Metals,Scraps of Textiles and also for engineering consultancy.

Our Address:
P12/P-16, 18th Street, 18th Street, Annanagar, Chennai-600040, India.
Tel: 009104426215345,
Mob: 0091 9940067871
Email: gantasripathy@gmail.com,gantasripathy@yahoo.co.in,